Go back to your game folder and let’s delve into the PBS folder inside it. Before that, however, we need to take a quick detour to talk about a particular type of file. The list contains fifteen functions that we’re going to be using to customize our game. In this tutorial, we’re going to delve into what each one does. We’ll get to what that does later in the article.Įditor.exe pops up a menu like this when opened. If you’re following along, I also recommend giving M3rein’s program PBS+ a try. That’s the program we’re going to be using to edit our game’s metadata. Open up your game folder and run Editor.exe. None of these can be modified directly using RPG Maker XP, and were thus left out of the previous tutorial. Things such as adding Pokémon, creating Trainers, making items, to name a few. You probably noticed that in the previous tutorial, we mentioned nothing about several features in fangame creation which are seemingly essential. Fangame Tutorials: Editor.exe and Metadata Editing.A guide to beginning Pokémon fangame development in RMXP.